Becoming a Fine Artist

What makes a fine artist? I’ve heard this question asked through the years and at times have asked it myself.  A simple google definition may say it’s when an artist sells their work professionally and creates a living from it… but I think this is falling waaay short of the mark.


What really makes a fine artist is when you begin to infuse your work with connection. When your art resonates a greater meaning, vision or purpose. When it becomes an extension of what’s inside of you.. when it stands for something you believe in.


This is the threshold to becoming a fine artist. When you begin to search for the meaning in your art.  It's not always obvious in the beginning, but when you continue to create the art…the meaning will find you. So keep creating it until it reveals itself to you! 


Art is like a broken mirror that we have to put back together over time- to then reflect back to us what we are trying to express. It's often our subconscious being seen through it. It involves us getting to know ourselves better. And sometimes you uncover what you didn't even know you where looking for. 'It’ becomes revealed to you, over time, through your art.


This is a pivotal point for an artist. And heres the thing…there are many artists who are already selling their work when this happens to them and there are many who have never sold a single painting when this happens. But both cross a threshold of becoming a fine artist in that moment. When they realize what they have created reveals something intangible being brought to life.


Over time the meaning you find in your art becomes more natural to express. It ebbs and flows. It's a web of self expression extending out and there are many paths you can take for each painting you create to show that meaning. All leading back to one another.


Continue to grow evolve, and search for this as a fine artist. 


THIS, is what I believe becoming a fine artist means. And I believe that any artist can find this …or rather it finds you in some cases. Wether the meaning is simple or layered. Wether it’s obvious at first or not. 


Find this inside of you and bring it forth through your art!

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