Creating in Collections

A collection is a grouping of artwork usually created around the same time that has similarities within each piece that connects them. Wether it be color, composition, subject matter, scenery, time; they all tie together in some way. Collections can be a powerful way for you to share your message as an artist. They usually come naturally once you’ve begun to see a clear style emerging in your work and you want to share a greater vision.

Here are a few ways a collection can help you as an artist.


Developing A Concept

A collection is a way to expand your idea and focus on the greater vision. It's an act of self exploration within the guidelines that you create. It pushes you to think further into the realm of your creativity and ensures that you're exploring the full potential of your initial spark of inspiration.

Subtle variations in each painting can make great differences. Collections will expand and grow as they adapt throughout creation. This process is expected and will push your collections to a new level. As long as you’re focusing on your concept and how you want to share it through your art, there is abundant freedom.

Be willing to learn with each painting you create inside a collection. You can map them out in the beginning or let them unfold with time.


Telling A Story

A collection is an oppurtunity to bring your audience on a journey with you. It can be a journey through a memory, a place, or even an emotion. Within the collection each painting can tell a piece of this story. It gives you the oppurtunity to explore it in detail. It also takes you on a journey. Imagine each painting being a chapter that makes up the greater story, or each painting is a short novel within the series.

Each painting needs to stand alone and have a strong meaning, but also connect to the others in some way.

A Collection is a Journey

A collection allows you to bring others along on a journey with you. Which is magical and life giving, even for those who don't buy your art, the inspiration of the process is incredible to follow along and watch take place. It's like a portal into your mind and soul, a vision you had and then explored and brought to life from nothing more than a thought in your mind. Incredible!


That vision, journey, or story, this is what helps you to understand yourself. To understand who YOU are as an artist. What you feel, see and how you translate that into the art that you are compelled to share and create. 

It allows you to step back and witness the evolution taking place within your art. Because we are all growing, shifting and evolving as artists.

It also helps others to grasp your art. It allows collectors to follow along on your journey and exploration of a thought or idea. It allows them to become intrigued and excited with what you are bringing forth through your art.


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